Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy is a powerful and effective form of treatment that brings individuals with similar concerns together to work on their mental health in a supportive, structured setting. While individual therapy has its merits, group therapy offers unique advantages that can be transformative for participants. This post will explore the Benefits of Group Therapy.

Unique Benefits of Group Therapy

  • Gain Support

    • Groups provide an opportunity for people to receive support, understanding, and care. This is something that comes in individual therapy as well, but in a group setting, this support can come in a different form from peers. There are support groups all over that are led by peers and offer a space for those experiencing certain hardships.

  • Learn Skills

    • One of the common models of group therapy is a psychoeducation group where the facilitators are presenting on topics that the group members would like more information about. Then there are generally activities or opportunities for the group members to put these skills into practice.

  • Foster Community

    • We do better together. Everyone deserves to have a community, a place to belong, and a way to add value to those around them. Group offers the opportunity for individuals to have meaningful connection that will help provide consistency in their life. It is always warming to see group members check in on one another and/or remember meaningful details that help make the individuals feel seen.

  • Increased Accountability

    • In group, often clients are working towards shared visions or goals. When they have the opportunity to share their goals or steps that they will take it allows them the opportunity to have others hold them accountable to the steps they plan to take. Making commitments to the group is a valuable tool to help motivate following through.

  • Unique Perspectives

    • Having diverse groups allows individuals the opportunity to think about the world and their experiences in a unique way. Through gaining perspectives of others or learning how people found healing and meaning with similar problems can be an advantage that may not come through individual therapy due to some of the difficulties around therapist self-disclosure.

  • Multiple Options

    • Groups are very versatile and can operate with a single facilitator or most commonly run co-facilitated. I have always loved running groups with a co-facilitator as it allows the opportunity for more linking, and to the point above, another unique perspective in the room. Groups can be closed, where individuals at the start remain the only members, or they can be open where people can come and go as the weeks progress. Each allow certain advantages.

  • Healthy Modeling

    • One of the challenges that many clients face is feeling comfortable with being in crowds, talking with strangers, or feeling safe in community environments. Group offers a healthy corrective experience where individuals can build a sense of safety in a supportive environment that may offer them confidence in future settings outside of group.

  • Not Alone

    • One of the most important things for us to know is that we are not alone. Group offers a community where individuals have shared experiences (although unique to each) and have a way to get reminders that there are people out there who understand and care. There are people out there who will help you feel seen if you allow yourself to be found.

  • Celebrate Together

    • Some of the most impactful moments in group have been opportunities where peers are able to share victories in their lives with the group, especially those that they shared with the group about working towards. Some of these celebrations have been sobriety anniversaries, gaining employment or housing, and rekindling relationships.

  • Lift Others

    • A famous quote of Robert Ingersoll, “We Rise By Lifting Others” perfectly sums up how I view group. People have a tremendous capacity to affect change in their lives and in the lives of those around them. No matter what you feel you have to offer, being a kind supportive presence is enough to make a profound difference. Group offers individuals the opportunity to rise while lifting others.

What group might interest you?

Is there a specific theme or topic that might get you interested in group? Were there any benefits to group therapy that you hadn’t considered? Feel free to share your thoughts below!

Take care, be well, and Companion Your Journey!


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